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iPhone8 8p wifi can't open the fault case. [attach]7355[/attach][attach]7355[/attach]
iPhone 12 12pro single board boot location diagram [attach]7433[/attach][attach]7433[/attach]
iPhone12 promax ic distribution map of ap board [attach]7445[/attach][attach]7445[/attach]
no current reaction maintenance case of start-up of iPhone xr, xs, xs max apple iPhone xr [attach]649[/attach]
iPhone 8 u_pmic_e baseband power supply earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5723[/attach][attach]5723[/attach] [attach]5723[/attach]
iPhone 11 handset(receiver) cable connector earth resistance value,resistance to earth earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5820[/attach]
iPhone xr distance sensing, environmental sensor, handset, speaker, sub-mic interface earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5920[/attach]
iPhone7plus single board boot on method and diagram [attach]6130[/attach][attach]6130[/attach][attach]6130[/attach][attach]6130[/attach]
iPhone7plus single board boot on method and diagram [attach]6141[/attach][attach]6141[/attach][attach]6141[/attach]
iPhone 11pro can't boot up, the current is quivering, [attach]6322[/attach][attach]6322[/attach][attach]6322[/attach]
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