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notes for removal of lattice refraction imaging instrument of iPhone x
notes for the moving board of the iPhone x-summary of experience
repair case of the iPhone x apple x brush machine restarting over boot-up white apple
repeated restart maintenance case of startup 1a of iPhone x
the expansion of the iPhone xr results in no display of maintenance cases
repair case of white apple restart after layering of the iPhone xs max
iPhone 7 expansion caused itunes to resume reporting error 4013 or 4014 [attach]2327[/attach]
iPhone 7 small current does not boot, itunes recovery error 4014 [attach]2344[/attach]
ground-to-ground resistance map of the connection seat of the iPhone 8 front camera [attach]2386[/attach]
maintenance case of rear camera without taking photos of iPhone 6plus [attach]5446[/attach] [attach]2406[/attach]
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