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iPhone 7 7plus no service, no signal in the whole network [attach]2678[/attach]
iPhone se no service, no signal, check antenna switch and rffe1 bus circuit [attach]2683[/attach]
iPhone x no 4g, 4g fault, replace if chip [attach]2687[/attach]
a case of fixing the timeliness of the iPhone x without 3d touch [attach]2716[/attach]
a touchless repair case of the influent of the iPhone 6s [attach]2719[/attach]
iPhone 6 6 plus removal screen high current - display stripes can't be touched [attach]2727[/attach]
repair of local failure of touch on the iPhone 6plus [attach]2750[/attach]
repair of the touchless flower screen of the iPhone 6plus [attach]2754[/attach]
the fingerprint layout of the iPhone 7 7 plus is untouchable [attach]2768[/attach]
the iPhone 6s can't be touched when it enters the water [attach]2774[/attach]
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