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iPhone xr volume key, mute key interface earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5944[/attach]
iPhone xs u5600 touch power supply tube earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5947[/attach]
iPhone xs base band eeprom earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5950[/attach]
iPhone xs medium and high frequency amplifier earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5959[/attach]
iPhone xs -u2700 main power supply circuit earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5965[/attach]
iPhone xs -u3700 camera power supply tube earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5968[/attach]
iPhone xs -u4120 flash lamp earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5971[/attach]
iPhone xs -u5102 ringing amplifying tube earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5974[/attach]
iPhone xs -wifi amplifying tube earth resistance value,resistance to earth [attach]5977[/attach]
iPhone xs dsm low frequency and high frequency pa earth resistance value, [attach]5983[/attach]
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