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iPhone 7plus functional diagram of components a+b [attach]901[/attach][attach]902[/attach]
face maintenance related to iPhone x dot matrix repair cases [attach]958[/attach]
fingerprint circuit short connection of iPhone 6 6plus [attach]964[/attach]
fingerprint circuit supplement 1k resistance of iPhone 6plus [attach]965[/attach]
ground resistance value of home key of iPhone 6s [attach]975[/attach]
key points of fingerprint circuit maintenance of iPhone 6 [attach]984[/attach]
standby voltage of home key of iPhone 6s [attach]999[/attach]
troubleshooting of return key home key of iPhone 6 [attach]1015[/attach]
volume add-subtract flying line digging of iPhone 6 [attach]1018[/attach]
brush machine error 4013 of iPhone 7 7plus [attach]1025[/attach]
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