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iPhone12 flash lamp interface pedestal-to-ground resistance diagram [attach]7101[/attach][attach]7101[/attach]
iPhone12 infrared lens interface pedestal-to-ground resistance diagram [attach]7104[/attach][attach]7104[/attach]
iPhone12 millimeter wave antenna pedestal-to-ground resistance diagram [attach]7105[/attach][attach]7105[/attach]
original drawing a of lower baseband annotation of iPhone12 [attach]7107[/attach][attach]7107[/attach]
resistance diagram of iPhone 12 battery pedestal to ground [attach]7108[/attach][attach]7108[/attach]
resistance figure of antenna pedestal to ground under iPhone 12 [attach]7110[/attach][attach]7110[/attach]
iPhone12 promax ic distribution map of ap board [attach]7133[/attach]
iPhone12promax rf board ic distribution map [attach]7134[/attach]
iPhone 8-11 hard disk models support models [attach]7136[/attach]
iPhone 11pro power output power supply test point [attach]7137[/attach]
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