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iPhone 12 12pro single board boot location diagram [attach]7139[/attach]
iPhone 12mini single motherboard boot location diagram [attach]7140[/attach]
iPhone 12pro max single motherboard boot location diagram [attach]7152[/attach]
iPhone12 promax ic distribution map of ap board [attach]7155[/attach]
iPhone 12 long focal head pedestal to ground resistance diagram [attach]7286[/attach][attach]7286[/attach]
iPhone 12 wide-angle phase head pedestal-to-ground resistance diagram [attach]7288[/attach][attach]7288[/attach]
iPhone12 flash lamp interface pedestal-to-ground resistance diagram [attach]7289[/attach][attach]7289[/attach]
iPhone12 infrared lens interface pedestal-to-ground resistance diagram [attach]7292[/attach][attach]7292[/attach]
resistance diagram of iPhone 12 battery pedestal to ground [attach]7305[/attach][attach]7305[/attach]
resistance figure of antenna pedestal to ground under iPhone 12 [attach]7307[/attach][attach]7307[/attach]
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