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repair case of the iPhone xs max without taking photos [attach]3431[/attach]
iPhone x can not boot, power short circuit, [attach]3558[/attach]
iPhone x unable to boot on, leakage, high current. [attach]3570[/attach]
iPhone xs layering causes cannot boot, white apple restarts automatically, [attach]3576[/attach]
iPhone 6 6plus wifi gray, wifi can't open. [attach]3703[/attach]
iPhone 6 weak wifi signal, flying line repair diagram [attach]3706[/attach]
iPhone 7 7plus ground resistance of wifi chip pin [attach]3721[/attach]
iPhone 7 7plus no bell, no vibration, no fingerprints. [attach]3764[/attach]
iPhone x water entry corrosion leads to no ringtone. [attach]3791[/attach]
iPhone x broken wire under screw column flying line method [attach]3832[/attach]
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