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OPPO r11 has a charging icon and no charging current [attach]4155[/attach]
OPPO r9m is charging abnormally, indicating abnormal battery contact [attach]4513[/attach]
OPPO r9s does not charge, charging shows too high voltage repair [attach]4514[/attach]
OPPO r11 has a charging icon and no charging current [attach]4515[/attach]
OPPO r9sk no screen, no backlight. no screen, no backlight. [attach]4728[/attach]
OPPO replacement of the screen leads to backlight is not bright, no backlight. [attach]4730[/attach]
OPPO replacement of the screen leads to backlight is not bright, no backlight. [attach]4798[/attach]
OPPO r9sk no screen, no backlight. no screen, no backlight. [attach]4800[/attach]
OPPO r15 the power-on current jitters slightly and cannot be boot on. [attach]5108[/attach]
OPPO r15 the power-on current jitters slightly and cannot be boot on. [attach]5115[/attach]
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