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VIVO x20a call shows opening antenna case [attach]7330[/attach][attach]7330[/attach]
VIVO the second repair, sometimes there are signals, sometimes there are none., the case of man-made failure [attach]7329[/attach][attach]7329[/attach]
VIVO x20a vibrator inductor contact-to-ground resistance value [attach]7308[/attach][attach]7308[/attach]
VIVOs1 no display backlight maintenance case [attach]7232[/attach][attach]7232[/attach]
VIVO the second repair, sometimes there are signals, sometimes there are none., the case of man-made failure [attach]7231[/attach]
VIVO y93 does not turn on when the water enters the short circuit, the high current detects whether the capacitor is short-circuited, and the short-circuit is removed. [attach
VIVO x20a vibrator inductor contact-to-ground resistance value [attach]7179[/attach][attach]7179[/attach]
VIVO x20a startup current 5ma jitter does not turn on repair case [attach]7178[/attach][attach]7178[/attach]
VIVO x20a repair color map b side [attach]7177[/attach][attach]7177[/attach]
VIVO x20a repair color map a side [attach]7176[/attach]
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